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Disposable Recovery Post-Op Bra

Regular price Dhs. 900.00
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Disposable Recovery Post-Op Bra

Regular price Dhs. 900.00
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EZBra disposable Post-Op Bra adjusts to multiple compression levels fitting each patient's needs and defining a new standard of post-operative care. Traditionally, dressings are not designed for women causing irritation, infection, and, more overall emotional frustration post-op.

EZbra Post-op Bra support is the ultimate answer to faster recovery. It has an absorbent inner layer, which can absorb wound discharge ten times its weight and helps in keeping the wound clean. It is sterile and disposable with environmentally friendly material, making it safer against infections and minimizing the need to wash.

Additionally, EZbra's disposable recovery post-op bra is designed to provide a semi-occlusive structure that can maintain a humid environment. Humid and sterile infection can stimulate wound healing and tissue growth.

Product details:

  • Sterile and disposable, easy-to-apply breathable bra
  • Discreet use and elegant look, allow patients to recover without giving up their own personal style and comfort.
  • Available in three different sizes, designed to fit a wide range of body and breast shapes. 

EZbra understands the complications of post-op needs. Their mission is to make recovery easier for all women fighting against breast cancer and help any woman recovering from breast surgery. Use EZbra's disposable recovery post-op bra and Spread awareness about how you can take better care of yourself.

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